2025 Schedule

All Tribus Solvo events are free overnight camping. Please check Facebook events for more details and streaming information. Jan 11 – January Full Moon Ritual - Wolf Moon Feb 1 – Candlemas…

Blue Moon

A Blue Moon is the second moon within a calendar month and the thirteenth moon of the year. It is a time for reflection of our world and its connection…

December – Cold Moon

Winter is begun and the world around us is withdrawing into it's places of warmth and comfort to begin to hold out till spring. During this time, we look at…

November – Beaver Moon

The Beaver Moon is a time of preparation for the long winter. It's a time of lists, planning, and conservation of resources as the world goes to sleep around us.

September – Harvest Moon

The time to reap what we've sewn has come. We reflect on what our bounty is and show ourselves love for what we've done and how we've manifested the change…

August – Sturgeon Moon

The seeds have been sewn, fertilized, weeded, and tended. They've been managed and all that can be done to foster our growth has been done. It's time to accept that…

July – Buck Moon

The Buck Moon is a time to reflect on our efforts and see how ur plans have progressed and if there is need for re-evaluation of our goals and to…

June – Strawberry Moon

The Strawberry Moon is a time of action and clarity. The days are long and hot and there is ample time for work and play. We've planned and then begun…

May – Flower Moon

With the Flower Moon, we begin to see how beautiful and fertile life is. We look at what we need to do to sew, manage, and fertilize the growth we…

April – Budding Moon

The Budding Moon is a time where we look to the earth's progressive awakening from it's slumber of winter as Spring takes hold. We asses what will be needed to…

March – Worm Moon

The earth is awakening and the first signs of Spring has begun to arrive. There are ideas to be planted and plans to be cultivated.

January – Wolf Moon

Deep in the cold of January, we find stillness and reflection. The earth has frozen and animals that can are hibernating, conserving energy for the activity of Spring to come.…

Yule – Winter Solstice

Yule is the celebration of the birth of the God. It is the shortest Day and longest night we endure on this planet. Our celebrations focus on the return of…

Candlemas – Imbolc

A festival of candles and light in the darkness, Imbolc/ Candlemas is a time to celebrate the recovery of the Goddess after birthing the God and the earth beginning it's…

Oestara – Vernal Equinox

Oestara is the beginning of spring and the celebration of the first signs of the world around us awakening. WE look to the green infusing the world around us as…


Beltaine is a celebration of fertility on multiple levels. There is a freedom in the air in the warmth of the early May sun, a release back into nature for…

Midsummer – Litha

Midsummer celebrates the peak of power and height of the Sun. It is a day devoted to the Sun God and the world blossoming under his might. We celebrate through…

Lammas – Lughnasdah

The first Harvest Festival, Lammas is a time to celebrate the reaping of wheat and the sacrifice of John Barleycorn to bring forth a greater harvest. This is a ritual…

Mabon – Autumnal Equinox

Mabon is the second Harvest Ritual. It is a time of giving thanks for the rewards of our hard work through the year. WE celebrate is by sharing the bounty…