We gather am hour before ritual and hang out to get to know each other a bit. Then when it’s time to start, we go to where we are going to do the ritual. We enter the space and cast circle, sometimes with incense, some not. We focus and quiet ourselves, then we face the east and call each element to watch, protect and guide us in our rites. We call Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Center. Then we invoke specific Gods and Goddesses to watch and guide our ritual. Once the circle has been cast and all called to us, then we discuss the theme of the moon or holiday. After some discussion about how to approach the theme, we meditate on stuff and let the trees talk to us. Then we do some form of energy work (chant, dance, tonal, other stuff) to propel what we are trying to do. Once the energy has been released to do the needful, we share bread (oblation) and juice (libation) in honor of the earth, sun, God and Goddess perform Great rite with our fingers, then devoke all the stuff we asked to come watch and protect our ritual, widdershins. After ritual we hang out, party, relax and have fun.

The great rite: We don’t do the Great Rite the way you think.

We stick our fingers into a cup and say, as this wand is to the male, so the cup is to the female and when they become joined they are one in perfect love and perfect trust. We are all Priest and Priestess, and covid has changed how we share things and how we approach our celebrations.

If you’d like more info or to see one, please check out our YouTube video archives